Stuffed crabs and gratin of chayotes

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Time:   40 minute(s) 

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Stuffed crabs:

  • 2 cooked crabs
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 glass of soft bread crumbled in some milk
  • Thyme, bay leaf, parsley, salt, chilli (optional)
  • A few drops of lime
  • A little olive oil breadcrumbs

Gratin of Chayotes:

  • 2 chayotes
  • 15g butter
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 glass of soft bread Salt, pepper
  • Grated rruyère (cheese)
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
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Serves 1


Stuffed crabs

1. Open the crabs, remove the inside and collect the meat caught in the cartilage.

2. In the olive oil, brown the minced onion, crab, herbs and the soaked bread. Then, add the salt and the lime. Stir over a low heat so as to dry up the mixture, which needs to be quite compact. Pour the mixture in the crabs’ shells and sprinkle the breadcrumbs. Brown for a while in the oven.

Gratin of chayotes

1. Boil the chayotes for 20-25 mn. Cut them lengthwise and remove the pulp with a small spoon, then crush it thoroughly with a fork (or in a mixer) along with the bread.

2. On the heat, mix the flour, butter and milk, then, add the pulp and the garlic. Leave to thicken. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Fill in the skin of the chayotes with this mixture; sprinkle the gruyère and brown in the oven just before serving.


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