Mini corn cakes

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Time:   30 minute(s) 

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  • 20-25 corn on the cob (corn must be firm)
  • 1 tsp of sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tbspĀ of all-purpose flour
  • 1 bag of frozen banana leafs
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Serves 3


1. With a knife, remove corn kernels from the cob

2. Grind corn kernels with flour, sugar and salt

3. The dough will be a little liquidy

4. Cut the banana leafs to about 8 x 10 (around same size of a sheet of paper), rinse them and dry them

5. Pour about 2 tbsp of dough onto 1 side of banana leaf and fold the rest of the leaf over it to form a half moon

6. Cook on a griddle over medium heat for about 15 minutes until they set, flipping over every 5 minutes or so

7. When they are set and not runny anymore, remove from banana leaf and continue to cook until golden brown


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