Mutton and artichoke couscous

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Time:   1 hour(s) 50 minute(s) 

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  • 1.5kg shoulder of mutton, cut into 3cm cubes
  • 1 chicken, divided into 12 portions
  • 3 tomatoes, chopped
  • 3 zucchini, cut into pieces
  • 10 artichoke hearts
  • 3 bell peppers, cut into strips
  • 150g cooked beans
  • 150g baby turnips, scrubbed clean
  • 100g onions, chopped
  • 50g cooked chickpeas
  • 500g couscous
  • 100g butter
  • 150g sultanas (variety of grapes)
  • Generous handful of dried dates
  • 1 tbsp tomato purée
  • Salt and freshly-ground black pepper, to taste
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Couscous – Niger

Serves 10



1. Combine the mutton and chicken in a pot.

2. Pour over enough water to cover then bring to a boil, skimming the surface frequently.

3. Continue cooking for 20 minutes then add all the vegetables (but not the beans).

4. Return to a simmer and cook for 45 minutes, adjust the seasonings to taste.

5. Remove a little of the broth from the meat and combine in a clean pan with the beans and chickpeas.

6. Heat gently until warmed through.

7. To prepare the couscous, place the couscous in a large bowl.

8. Coat your hands in groundnut oil and work the couscous by rolling the grains between your fingers and over the palms of your oiled hands.

9. Moisten the grains with a little cold water, lifting them with a fork to ensure that they are well aerated and separated.

10. Set aside to stand for 15 minutes then repeat the rubbing, moistening and resting process.

11. Now turn the couscous grains into a colander lined with muslin.

12. Sit over the pan containing the meat, cover and steam for 15 minutes, or until the couscous is tender.

13. Remove the colander, turn the couscous out onto a warmed serving tray and sprinkle with a little hot salted water.

14. Work the grains with a fork to separate any lumps then turn back into a colander, put back over the pot of meat and cook for a further 10 minutes.

15. Put the couscous into a serving dish.

16. Spoon over the meat mixture, then spoon over the bean mixture.

17. Take the cooking liquid and mix in the butter, sultanas and tomato purée.

18. Adjust the seasonings to taste then pour this mixture over the meat and beans.


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