Condensed milk pudding

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Time:   2 hour(s) 20 minute(s) 

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  • 250ml sweetened, condensed, milk
  • 250ml evaporated milk
  • 2 eggs, separated
  • 65g sugar
  • 60ml Oporto
  • Ground cinnamon
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Suspiro de Limena- Peru

Serves 4


1. Combine the condensed milk and evaporated milk in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer over low heat, stirring constantly then continue cooking for about 2 hours, or until the mixture becomes thick and golden (ensure you stir constantly during this time to prevent the pudding from burning. This mixture is known as menjar blanco.

2. Take the mixture off the heat and allow to cool slightly then beat the egg yolks lightly in a bain-marie (double boiler) before pouring in the menjar blanco, stirring constantly. Continue cooking until thickened then take off the heat and pour into dessert glasses. Allow to cool completely then chill in the refrigerator for at last 2 hours to set.

3. When ready to serve, combine the oporto wine and sugar in a pan. Heat gently until the sugar has all dissolved then take off the heat and allow to cool until warm. Add the egg whites to a clean and dry bowl then beat until stiff. At this point beat in the warm syrup and continue beating until the meringue is cool. Pour over the set manjar blanco, garnish with a sprinkling of cinnamon and serve.


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