Grilled beef heart

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Time:   6 hour(s) 

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  • 3 lbs of beef or chicken heart
  • Olive oil
  • ¼ cup of vinegar
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 2 tbsp of hot paprika
  • Salt and pepper
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Anticuchos de Corazon


Serves 12


1. In a medium mixing bowl mix the vinegar, garlic, bell pepper slices, chili pepper, salt and pepper.

2. Wash the chicken or beef and cut them into quarters and then again into 2 centimeter wide pieces. Then you will cut those pieces into squares.

3. Place all the cut beef or chicken heart into the bowl of mixed ingredients making sure the meat gets soaked well in the marinade. (leave the meat in the bowl to marinate for at least 4 hours)

4. Once marinated put the meat on skewers. 4-5 pieces of meat should fit on each skewer.

5. Cook the skewers/meat on a grill cooking all the way through.

6. When grilling use the left over marinade to brush on the meat.

7. Serve the dish immediately after the meat is finished cooking.


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