Sweet guava peel dessert

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Time:   40 minute(s) 

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  • The peelings from 10 ripe, pink guavas
  • 1 cup of fine white sugar
  • Juice from 1/2 a lemon (no seeds)
  • 6 tbsp of water
  • 1/2 lb of firm, white cheese
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Serves 6-8


1. Wash your guavas whole, with a brush and liquid disinfectant. Liquid soap works just as well, as long as you rinse them completely and it leaves no soap residue on the fruit.

2. Cut the peelings from your guavas, leaving a thin layer of pink guava flesh on the peeling. Be sure there are no guava seeds at all.

3. Although you will use only the guava peels in this recipe, do not discard the guava fruit itself. You can use it to make delicious guava jam.

4. Place the casquitos de guayaba (guava peels) in a pot. Add sugar, water and lemon juice. Stir until all of the guava peels are evenly coated and covered.

5. Cook on medium heat for about 20 minutes, until the water and sugar have formed a nice thick syrup and the guava peels have softened. Stir occasionally to ensure that as the syrup thickens, it doesn’t burn or stick to the pot.

6. The guava peels will soften to a nice, moist texture and the fruit that is left on the peel will combine with the water, sugar and lemon to form a light, fruity syrup.

7. Remove from heat. Cool completely. Serve your sweet guava peels drizzled in their own syrup on a small plate, with a few pieces of cheese on the side.


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